Learn. Dream. Achieve.
Marham School of Performing Arts
General Data Protection Regulation
This is an EU regulation which has been adopted in the UK since May 2018. To that effect, please be assured that the data we hold for you will only be released to a third party for the following reasons.
Examination entries. (Name, Date of birth, Ethnicity)
Licences required for shows and performances. (Name, Date of birth, Address, Academic school/nursery)
Chaperone’s in case of an emergency during show rehearsals and performances. (Contact details)
The data we collect is necessary in order to provide your child with the service you are requesting and to ensure their safety at all times. This is detailed in the regulation as a Legitimate basis for processing.
With your consent, photographs and video footage which are taken by the teachers/administrators are used for publicity purposes including footage taken during show rehearsals, performances and professional photo-shoots. You should advise us immediately if you no longer give permission for your child’s image to be used to publicise the classes and school on our website and show programmes etc.
Medical conditions are only advised to the teachers if it has a direct effect on the services they provide to your child and in order that your child is fully protected. These details may also be passed on to examination boards if it has a direct effect on how an exercise/s are performed. Details of any allergies (especially food based allergies) are required in order to ensure your child is fully protected during group lessons/performances etc.
Your child’s date of birth is required in order to ascertain whether they meet the examination entry requirements.
Your child’s address is required for any administrative documents that we may need to send via the post and is required when applying for the relevant show licenses.
Your child’s ethnicity may be asked for when being entered for examinations and will only be shared with the relevant examination board.
Your child’s academic school or nursery is required when applying for the relevant show licenses and will only be shared with the Norfolk County Council.
Your contact details including phone numbers and email addresses will be used by Marham School of Performing Arts in order to contact you regarding fees and uniform invoices, general emails and in case of an emergency. Telephone numbers may also be given to appointed chaperones during show rehearsals and performances in case of emergency.
On departure from the school your electronic records are deleted – this includes email correspondence (unless it also relates to a sibling who is remaining at the school) together with any paper based records also being destroyed. The exception to this is any examination results as this is required in order to declare the school’s performance, but individual children are not identified.